It's actually the name of a theme and you can (and should!) pick the theme that makes you happy and use that theme's name here. Then run "notepad $PROFILE" and add these lines to the end: Import-Module posh-git When you run Install-Module for the first time you'll get a warning that you're downloading and installing stuff from the internet so follow the prompts appropriately.Īlso get PSReadline if you're on PowerShell Core: Install-Module -Name PSReadLine -AllowPrerelease -Scope CurrentUser -Force -SkipPublisherCheck You can also use PowerShell on Linux too, so be aware. Run these commands from PowerShell or PowerShell Core. Install-Module oh-my-posh -Scope CurrentUser Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser This also assumes you've installed Git for Windows.

Per these directions, install Posh-Git and Oh-My-Posh. Step Two for PowerShell - Posh-Git and Oh-My-Posh

Note that if you were an early adopter of the Windows Terminal and you've released updated beyond 0.5, I'd recommend you delete or zero-out your profiles.json and let the Terminal detect and automatically recreate your profiles.json. You can also get it from GitHub's releases but I recommend the store because it'll stay up to date automatically. Get Windows Terminal free from the Store. I've blogged about Patching the new Cascadia Code to include Powerline Glyphs and other Nerd Fonts for the Windows Terminal but folks have asked very specifically, how do I make my prompt look like that? Step One - Get the Terminal