Basically, show the episodes kind of like Disney XD used to do, when Naruto Shippuden was still on Disney XD, except still show them uncut with the full opening theme songs and full ending theme songs, and the previews for the next episodes at the end. The episodes would still of course be uncut, but except with the full opening theme songs, and full ending theme songs still in tact, like on the uncut DVDs. They don't have to show the omakes, though. They also need to show the previews for the next episodes at the end.

To make up for not showing the first opening theme song, Hero's Come Back for Episodes 1 - 30, and also for not showing the second opening theme song, Distance for Episodes 31 - 47, so far. Why do they need restart Naruto Shippuden back to Episode 1 though, you may ask? Simple. Toonami on Adult Swim needs to restart Naruto Shippuden back to Episode 1, and needs to start showing the full opening theme songs like Hero's Come Back, and Distance, and also needs to show the full ending theme songs instead of just shortening them. Toonami on Adult Swim needs to start showing Naruto Shippuden with the full opening theme songs and ending theme songs instead of skipping the opening theme songs and shortening the ending theme songs.