There are different versions of Word's DOC format: The DOC file format is the format most commonly used by Microsoft Word. As such, it is the recommended file format for documents created using Jarte. The RTF file format is recognized by nearly all word processor programs including Word and WordPad. You can convert from one document type to the other by clicking the format indicator. The status bar's format indicator displays for rich text documents and for plain text documents. Jarte displays the current document's format type in the status bar's format indicator. Plain text files are usually saved using the TXT file name extension, but many other extension are used as well depending on the plain text file's intended purpose. In contrast, plain text documents contain only plain, unformatted text. File formats used for rich text documents include RTF, DOC, and DOCX. Rich text documents may also contain non-text content such as images. Rich text documents combine text with formatting information in a way that allows the text in those documents to use any mixture of fonts, fonts sizes, font styles (bold, italic, etc), and paragraph styles (centered, bulleted, etc). Word processing documents can be categorized into two basic types: rich text and plain text. File Tools Panel > Options > Document Format