What’s more, ActiveX is rarely used nowadays, so be on your guard if a site asks you to install it. This creates security problems by giving malicious websites a window into your PC. ActiveX acts as a middleman between your PC and Java/Flash-based interactions in certain sites. A browser add-on that comes preinstalled on Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge and only works with these browsers. A quick rundown of these tools will help you figure out if you need them or not. Cybercriminals will exploit any and all vulnerabilities to get access to your PC. But these often come with downsides for secure browsing.

Some small tweaks to your browser security settings are all that you need to make your time online that much safer. Your browser is the window to the internet and also the first line of defense against malware threats. Tips, advice and best practices for a secure browser Browser security is essential for keeping your information safe. Secure browsing Settings for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edgeīest Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Edge extensions for browser security This is a very in-depth article on browser security, so use the links below to navigate the page. This was highlighted by Limor Kessem, executive security advisor with IBM.

It now has the most advanced browser manipulation tools observed in banking malware. More alarmingly, the Trickbot banking Trojan that attacked bot users and corporations, got an upgrade. Let’s just say that in Q2 2017, just Kaspersky, one security company, reported a whopping 79,209,775 unique URLs as malicious. If a malicious hacker breaks in, he will find everything about you. You Google things, you visit blogs, buy online, pay your bills or browse Facebook. They’re the main way you interact with the Internet. Of all the threats out there, browser security is often forgotten. This is tragic because browsers are a favorite target for malicious hackers. Why is all of this necessary for browser security? Step 5: Use HTTPS Everywhere to encrypt your data for secure browsing Step 4: Use tools like Disconnect, Ghostery or Privacy Badger to stop advertisers from tracking you Step 2: Install an adblocker like uBlock Origin or AdBlock Plus to avoid all ads and whitelist sparingly Step 1: Deactivate Flash, ActiveX and, if possible, Javascript. How to do secure browsing and have the best browser security?